Varmt vällkommen till „Alte Pomernkate“ i Rambin pa ön Rügen.
Den bondens marknad med det bästa från våra region.
Världen av regionala produkter, små manufakturer och presentvaror från hela världen. Låt dig inspireras! På vår omfattande marknad, som ursprungligen tråda up från ett förutvarande sågverk, presentera vi det största anbud av regionala produkter i Förpommern.
In the farmers market oft he Alte Pommernkate you’ll find the largest selection of regional food in Western Pommerania. The offer ranges from sausage & cheese, jams & honey, sea buckthorn products of all kinds, tea & coffee, juice & liqueurs, Störtebeker beers, mustard & spices and and and… Natural cosmetics, as well as our huge world of gifts and books invite you to browse.
Hof-Café (Countryard Café)
What is more obvious if you live on an island than fish? That is why we have set up a fish smokehouse on our adventure farm right from the start. We smoke all common types of fish in our ovens. Crispy fish rolls are freshly topped in front of your eyes – from matjes to pepper herring or smoked fish as you wish. The courtyard grill complements the culinary offerings in season with herarty dishes.